No one cares Nobody cares about HP. On the other hand whatever Apple does, this becomes news, in many cases gets hyped and people talk a...

Why nobody cares about HP – Why Apple gets the limelight

Why nobody cares about HP – Why Apple gets the limelight

Why nobody cares about HP – Why Apple gets the limelight

8 10 99

No one cares

Nobody cares about HP.
On the other hand whatever Apple does, this becomes news, in many cases gets hyped and people talk and blog about.
Don Reisigner discusses and shows in “Why doesn’t anyone care about HP?” that whatever HP is doing, even by announcing a great new product, it hardly generates any interest.
- HP makes more revenue and more profit than Apple
- HP has a wider range of computing devices and software than Apple
The differences:
- HP doesn’t organize media hyped events
- HP hasn’t got a famous CEO like Steve Jobs
- HP isn’t generating great expectations or experiences
- HP doesn’t seem to be remarkable – nor the products
- HP hasn’t got the culture of Apple
- HP excels in customer service
car passion advertisingHP has a rather rational image, nothing to be passionate about.
HP products are great but do not drive imagination like iPod and iPhone.


The main thing missing is passion.
Passion for a product is being used since many years in the car industry.
Although cars are very similar, it is the passion that makes the difference.
It is the passion that drives people to talk about certain brands or certain cars.
That same passion allows selling certain cars at a premium price.
Apple does the same as car manufacturers:
- Generating passion
- Getting people that are passionate to talk about Apple’s products.
If HP could bring passion to their brand or to their products, then their revenue could only increase as they could sell more products at higher prices.
Getting people passionate about your products or brand is a mighty step forward from getting customers just buying and using your products.

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