Apple is looking to diversify its component supply lines. By Clayton Vallabhan Published September 9, 2012 Apple has...

Apple pulls back orders for Samsung memory

Apple pulls back orders for Samsung memory

Apple pulls back orders for Samsung memory

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Apple is looking to diversify its component supply lines.
By Clayton Vallabhan Published September 9, 2012

Apple has decreased orders for memory chips that it purchases from arch-rival Samsung Electronics.

Samsung has traditionally been the core supplier, producing microprocessors, displays and memory chips used in the various Apple products ranging from the iPhone, iPad and iPod.

Apple pulls back orders for Samsung memorySources say that Samsung is still providing some hardware for the upcoming iPhone, however Apple has been slashing orders with Samsung and looking to diversify its supply lines with other manufacturers.

According to The Korea Economic Daily, an anonymous source within the industry has said that Apple has dropped Samsung from the list of memory chip suppliers for the first batch of the latest iPhone. The Cupertino giant has supposedly approached companies like OCZ and Elipda to cater to their memory needs.

Apple and Samsung had locked horns in a fierce patent battle that saw a US court rule a $1 billion settlement in favour of Apple.

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