The shift would end Apple's relationship with Intel, which has manufactured Mac chips since 2005. (Getty Images) By Stephen McBrid...

Apple mulls proprietary Mac chip

Apple mulls proprietary Mac chip

Apple mulls proprietary Mac chip

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The shift would end Apple's relationship with Intel, which has manufactured Mac chips since 2005. (Getty Images)
By Stephen McBride Published November 6, 2012

Apple Inc is considering integrating adapted forms of its proprietary mobile processing chips in its Mac computers, reported Bloomberg.

Apple mulls proprietary Mac chipAccording to people with knowledge of Cupertino R&D projects, Apple engineers have been buoyed by the success of the mobile chips and believe that they will one day be powerful enough to power the Mac series of desktops and notebooks.

Any such plans would involve Apple severing its relationship with Intel, which has supplied processors for Macs since 2005. The loss would likely be a sharp blow for Intel, which has suffered from a shrinking Windows-based PC market as mobility devices continue to gain preference among consumers.

"Apple is a trendsetter, and once they did their own chip many others may pursue a similar path," said Gartner analyst Sergis Mushell. "If mobility is more important than functionality, then we will have a completely different environment than we are dealing with today."
According to one insider, a consistent chip architecture would ease delivery of the seamless consumer experience across devices planned by Apple chief executive officer Tim Cook, to be in place by 2017.

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