A lot has changed over the last 10 years. What computer technology of today will become r...

8 Common Computer Technologies That Will Be Surprisingly Replaced in 10 Years

8 Common Computer Technologies That Will Be Surprisingly Replaced in 10 Years

8 Common Computer Technologies That Will Be Surprisingly Replaced in 10 Years

8 10 99

computer, technologyA lot has changed over the last 10 years. What computer technology of today will become redundant over the next decade? 1. Keyboard and mouse
The keyboard and mouse you use every day will not exist in 10 years, replaced by highly-detailed touch interfaces -- multi-touch systems that support highly complex gestures, such as circling a group of photos, tossing them around, and clicking to remove smudges.
2. Public Wi-Fi
WiMax networks that run in major cities will negate the need for a local hotspot. And as cities develop smart grids that allow citizens to see their power usage in real-time, electric cars report mileage and traffic info over wireless, and streaming video systems replace telephone networks, a widespread wireless network won't just be an emerging tech idea -- it will be a requirement.
3. Landline phone
In 10 years they won't exist anymore, mostly because smartphones will finally take over. Companies have already switched almost entirely to IP-based telephony.
4. Optical discs
In the future, more ubiquitous fiber networks will make broadband faster. Software video distribution networks will finally negate the need for optical discs.
5. Standard game controllers
Game controllers will morph into something more radical, a combination of the Nintendo Wiimote with accelerometer sensors, video systems that scan your body movements and various hardware add-ons.
6. Desktop PCs
Desktops will still be useful for engineers, developers, and video production artists for some time to come. But for most computer users, the desktop already is dead -- netbook and notebook sales are rising fast. Processors and graphics chipsets in notebooks can now compete with desktop equivalents. And portability is no longer just a market segment; every computer user has realized the benefits.
7. Operating systems
An OS will have to exist to manage memory and core functions. But the bloatware of today will be replaced by an extremely thin OS that may not even have a name.
8. Blogging
One reason blogging has become so popular has to do with the one-way nature of web communications. You post your thoughts, and people read them. In 10 years, the web will become much more interactive, leading to better overall information sharing.

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