The iPhone 5 is all but confirmed after the name of the next generation handset showed up in search results on Apple's own website.
Type in "iPhone 5", "iPhone-5" or even "iPhone LTE" and the Apple website will return some interesting results – URLs containing the iPhone 5 name, currently not linked to a content page.
It looks like Apple's content managers may have got a little ahead of themselves, setting up pages and site map ready for the announcement later today and have inadvertently let slip on the firm's biggest secret.
iPhone 5 name leaked

I spy with my little eye…

There's been a lot of talk surrounding the name for the sixth generation of iPhone, with "iPhone 5" and "new iPhone" being the two most likely candidates, and after Apple's invite to today's event displayed a giant number five as a shadow it was all but confirmed.
This latest occurrence has put the final nail in the naming conundrum coffin and we're now 99.9% certain that we will be seeing the iPhone 5 today – unless, of course Apple pulls off the biggest "one more thing" in history.
From Apple via Gizmodo